Communication Between a Dorsal and Ventral Ramus: A Conflict for Traditional Anatomical Teaching.

Cureus. 2018 Apr 10;10(4):e2460. doi: 10.7759/cureus.2460.

Patel M1, Iwanaga J2, Oskouian RJ3, Tubbs RS4.


Counterintuitive to anatomic organization is the communication between a dorsal ramus and a ventral ramus, which are traditionally taught as serving specific anatomical fields. Herein, we discuss the cadaveric findings of such an example of neural intercommunication between the dorsal and ventral rami and review the potential embryology. While these two nerves are complementary in their function, it is not understood as to the reason for such an anatomical connection that breaches normal anatomical "laws."


anatomy; cadaver; cervical plexus; dissection; dorsal ramus; greater occipital nerve; lesser occipital nerve; spinal nerve; ventral ramus