Comprehensive Review of Spinal Neurenteric Cysts with a Focus on Histopathological Findings.

Cureus. 2018 Sep 28;10(9):e3379. doi: 10.7759/cureus.3379.

Baek WKLachkar SIwanaga JOskouian RJLoukas MOakes WJTubbs RS.


Among the occult spinal dysraphisms, neurenteric cysts (NECs) are rare and are thought to arise due to a failure of the separation of the primitive endoderm and ectoderm. Patients experience various neurological symptoms depending on the location of the lesion. As the epithelial morphology of NECs share similarities with other intracranial and intraspinal cystic growths, the definitive diagnosis of NEC can be made after a histochemical analysis with endodermal markers. Complete resection is associated with the lowest disease recurrence rate.


intraspinal cyst; intraspinal endodermal cyst; neurenteric cyst