Posts tagged anatomy; dissection; gonadal vein; obstetrics and gynecology; ovarian vein
Fenestration of the Proximal Left Ovarian Vein.

Cureus. 2018 Mar 19;10(3):e2343. doi: 10.7759/cureus.2343.

Patel MIwanaga JOskouian RJTubbs RS.


A fenestration in the left ovarian vein was found in a fresh-frozen female cadaver. The opening did not have any vessels or additional anatomical structures passing through it. The ovarian vein is also referred to as the female gonadal vein. This type of anatomical variation is clinically relevant in procedures that deal with the manipulation of the gonadal veins, specifically conditions such as ovarian vein thrombosis, ovarian vein stenosis, and pelvic congestion syndrome.


anatomy; dissection; gonadal vein; obstetrics and gynecology; ovarian vein